東京大学医科学研究所の研究グループは、老化のマーカー遺伝子である p16 遺伝子に着目し、世界で初めて、一細胞レベルで老化細胞を検出・解析可能なマウスを作製しました。本研究成果により、老化を制御する分子基盤が明らかとなり、加齢現象のみならずがんや動脈硬化などの様々な老年病の予防・治療技術の開発が期待されます。
掲載誌: Cell Metabolism 9 月 18 日オンライン版 Generation of a p16 Reporter Mouse and Its Use to Characterize and Target p16high Cells In Vivo. 詳しくは東大医科研プレスリリースをご覧ください。
The world's first successful identification and characterization of in vivo senescent cells
A research group at the Institute of Medical Science of the University of Tokyo has focused on the p16 gene, a marker gene for senescence, and generated the world's first mouse that can detect and analyze senescent cells in a single cell level. This research result will clarify the molecular basis of the control of aging, and is expected to lead to the development of technologies for the prevention and treatment of various geriatric diseases such as cancer and arteriosclerosis as well as the aging process.